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Performance Management Made Easy

What is Teamsy?

Teamsy is a performance management tool that enables companies to effectively monitor and enhance staff performance with simplicity.

Our capabilities encompass:
Feedback: Elevate performance via ongoing feedback.
Goals: Inspire your team to achieve critical outcomes by setting and monitoring goals at the organizational, team, and individual levels.
1-on-1: Conduct meaningful discussions that strengthen manager-employee connections.
Assessment: Consistently assess staff performance to promote a culture of development.
Analytics: Identify performance challenges swiftly for prompt resolution.

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Teamsy was founded in Serbia

Serbia’s startup ecosystem has been flourishing, marked by a vibrant surge in innovation and entrepreneurship.

This growth is particularly notable in sectors such as tech, gaming, and biotechnology, where Serbian startups are not only gaining traction locally but also capturing attention on the global stage. The development of this ecosystem has been supported by both government initiatives aimed at fostering innovation and an increasing interest from international investors. Among its standout achievements is the emergence of unicorn startups like Nordeus, a Belgrade-based mobile gaming company known for its popular game Top Eleven. This milestone underscores Serbia’s potential as a burgeoning hub for cutting-edge enterprises that can compete on the world stage.

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Open Jobs at Teamsy

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Company TeamsyDropped 2023-06-13Markets Human Resource Automation, Human Resources, Performance Marketing, SaaSDropKey dc3193a1e291...32a0b283Visit

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